Roosevelt & Washington
$250.00 -
Cuban Baseball
$200.00 -
Harness Racing
$450.00 -
World War I Verterinarians French RP
$125.00 -
Navy Sailors Watching Cock Fight Roosters RPPC
Palestine Israel Rows of Goats RPPC
$40.00 -
Lion from Ringling Brothers Circus
$50.00 -
Dog-Drawn Milk Cart
$30.00 -
Policeman by Dog-Drawn Milk Cart
$30.00 -
Milk Woman Pouring Milk for Dog Cart
China Carrying Pig Stereoview Real Photo
$45.00 -
Russo-Japanese War Military on Horses
$30.00 -
Girl Picking Apple Cat Halloween Winsch
$35.00 -
Teasing JOL Cat Candle Halloween
$45.00 -
WW1 Soldier Wounded on Deck Dog
Dog Cocker Spaniel Champion
$50.00 -
Fox Hunters on Horses Dogs Sports
$40.00 -
President Coolidge on Horse South Dakota RPPC
$50.00 -
Girl with Candle Christmas Poem Volland
$30.00 -
Coat of Arms UK Duke Goat Hand-Drawn
Coat of Arms of S. Africa Lion Hand-Drawn
$40.00 -
Coat of Arms UK Lord Goat Hand-Drawn
$40.00 -
Nashua Cowboy on Horse
$35.00 -
Cornet Player on Horse Poem
$40.00 -
Boy with JOL Head Following Girl Halloween
Polo Horse Sports
$30.00 -
Nightingale Bird
$35.00 -
Spechtmeise Bird
$35.00 -
Stieglitz Bird
$35.00 -
Angry Lion over Rifle