Coles Phillips Advert Life Magazine


Quick Overview

Fold-out opens to an advertising and picture Dear or Dearest? Picture is a premium given to subscribers of the magazine. "Life is a moral agent. It offers a series of pictorial and literary definitions which reveal the hypocrisy and the vanity of this world. Life maintains a larger staff of artists in black and white than any other paper in the world." Fashion, fountain pen. Used 1911 New York City.
Coles Phillips Advert Life Magazine

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Fold-out opens to an advertising and picture Dear or Dearest? Picture is a premium given to subscribers of the magazine. "Life is a moral agent. It offers a series of pictorial and literary definitions which reveal the hypocrisy and the vanity of this world. Life maintains a larger staff of artists in black and white than any other paper in the world." Fashion, fountain pen. Used 1911 New York City.
[Art Nouveau/American]
[Artist Signed/Coles Phillips]

Additional Information

Item Code F9260
Grade 3