Great White Fleet San Francisco Advertising


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"The Louvre, San Francisco's Leading Restaurant. J. Meyerfel, Proprietor." Portraits of President Teddy Roosevelt and Amdirely Robley D. Evans, and the Navy battleships of the Great White Fleet cruise around the world in 1908. Also mentions German Pilsner, Hofbrau, Wuerzburger & Culmbacher beers. Used 1908 San Francisco, California.
Great White Fleet San Francisco Advertising

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"The Louvre, San Francisco's Leading Restaurant. J. Meyerfel, Proprietor." Portraits of President Teddy Roosevelt and Amdirely Robley D. Evans, and the Navy battleships of the Great White Fleet cruise around the world in 1908. Also mentions German Pilsner, Hofbrau, Wuerzburger & Culmbacher beers. Used 1908 San Francisco, California. Jewish merchant.
[Military and Propaganda/U.S. Navy]
[Judaica/Jewish Merchants]
[Presidents and Political/Theodore Roosevelt]

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Item Code A9916
Grade 3