Presidents Portraits Washington DC RP


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All the presidents from Washington through Franklin D. Roosevelt, and vignettes of the White House and the U.S. Capitol. Statue of Liberty, New York City, NYC, Washington D.C., real photo.
Presidents Portraits Washington DC RP

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All the presidents from Washington through Franklin D. Roosevelt, and vignettes of the White House and the U.S. Capitol. Statue of Liberty, New York City, NYC, Washington D.C., real photo.
[Fantasy and Surrealism/Manipulated Photo]
[Presidents and Political/George Washington]
[Presidents and Political/Abraham Lincoln]
[Presidents and Political/Theodore Roosevelt]
[Presidents and Political/Calvin Coolidge]
[Presidents and Political/William Taft]
[Presidents and Political/Woodrow Wilson]
[Presidents and Political/Various]
[Real Photo (RPPC)/People]

Additional Information

Item Code F7904
Grade 1